Publicity creates
perception. Publicity is Good. Good publicity is definitely better
than bad publicity. Bad publicity can be leveraged to create good
The following link is to an article that indicates an issue Kejriwal faces.
The following link is to an article that indicates an issue Kejriwal faces.
What can be done to overcome the
perception problems Kejriwal faces:
- He is an engineer and needs help with marketing. - His PR needs to be upped. Barkha Dutt is a fan of his and he should work with her to get his message across.
- People resist change and oppose their “entitlements” being taken away. The odd-even scheme affected the “middle class” single vehicle owners the most.
- Most of AAPs “people oriented” programs help the poor and are viewed as populist. So when you take away privileges of the rich and aid the poor, the middle class in between sees no benefits.
- Being “boxed in” by the LG and the BJP is curtailing his span of control and effectiveness.
what should Kejriwal/AAP do?
- The goal is to maximize and optimize service for all. Each constituency – economic, ethnic, religious, minority, business, has its pet beefs. Use the Political capital/mandate to bring about the changes required.
- To bring about change:o Requesto Demando Fighto Shame
- Requesting, Demanding and Fighting is not working.
- Get over the “Ends Justifies the Means” approach and use intellectual prowess and people power to circumvent the hurdles and barriers.
- Start with the overall objective in that the role of the government is to serve the people. No one can argue that. Point out where the LG govt is not performing, Present the people's demands and ask for an alternative or proceed to subtle shaming.
Greater Dilli deserves Statehood. How and when that is achieved is
not going to have an immediate impact. So the immediate goal is to
deal with the current situation. Here are some specific suggestions:
- The role of the police is to protect the people. If that is not happening then have data that shows these lapses and “stimulate” the people to exercise their power by way of protest. Fight the real fight of delivery of services as opposed to who controls the delivery.
- The recent ruling on “un-aided” schools may have some long term repercussions. The privileged see this as government over reach. Instead a more meaningful approach might be to give them the autonomy they desire and have them adopt a municipal school and improve it. The rich are willing to help the poor by giving them the opportunity to do so, not by taking away from them.
- Pollution is a bigger health problem in Dilli than traffic. Encourage Electric Cars, reduce their registration fees and exempt them from the odd-even regulation.
- Co-opt the business community. In a competitive environment, businesses succeed by serving the people. The simplification and transparency measures being implemented help the people being served indirectly.
- Corruption is a multi-headed Rakshasa like Ravana. You cut off one head and it is soon replaced. It is impossible to cut off all the heads in one swoop. The goal should be to put “Ravana” in a box and slowly squeeze him so that his influence is reduced. This is done by policies and procedures. The advantages of eGovernance and Apps is well understood and therein lies a major component of the solution.
- Finally co-opt the press and cultivate good relationships with a few supporters and disregard the detractors. Hold monthly Press Conferences and Town Hall meetings, some of which are televised. The more people know and the more relevant facts are presented the more upside will be accrued.
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