In this interview, Kumar Vishwas comes across as measured, as opposed to the interview with NDTV, although he makes some controversial statements. Of late Arvind Kejriwal has ceased to make bombastic and ridiculous statements calling out PM Narendra Modi. It didn't work in his favour. It rubbed well meaning people the wrong way. Since then he has taken a heads down get the work done approach which hopefully helps the party at the next election. But internal rife seems to be simmering. People have to realize they do not have to like a person in order to work with them. When it comes to work, put personality conflicts aside and focus on the task on hand. If Kumar Vishwas feels he has been jerked around, he needs to be told why.
In this interview, Kumar Vishwas comes across as measured, as opposed to the interview with NDTV, although he makes some controversial statements. Of late Arvind Kejriwal has ceased to make bombastic and ridiculous statements calling out PM Narendra Modi. It didn't work in his favour. It rubbed well meaning people the wrong way. Since then he has taken a heads down get the work done approach which hopefully helps the party at the next election. But internal rife seems to be simmering. People have to realize they do not have to like a person in order to work with them. When it comes to work, put personality conflicts aside and focus on the task on hand. If Kumar Vishwas feels he has been jerked around, he needs to be told why.
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